
Easy-to-Use Website Builder for Salons and Spas

Learn the easiest way to create a website for your salon with our website builder for beauty professionals. Set up a website as impressive as your work!

GlossGenius Staff
January 18, 2023
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In today’s digital world, it’s tough to thrive without a strong presence on the Internet. Not all beauty pros need to be digital marketing mavens or social media influencers, but it is essential to have a solid web presence when working within a visually driven environment such as a hair salon, nail salon, or tattoo parlor.

Before getting overwhelmed by the thought of building a site, first understand that you don’t need an expensive developer or team of coders to create a stunning booking site that will get you noticed. There are several easy-to-use, customizable, and perhaps most importantly, free website builders for salons and spas to make a DIY site that’s designed to impress. When you combine that with an all-in-one solution for salon and spa management, you’ll be destined for greatness across the digital frontier.

Below, we get into the why, what, and how of website building for an independent beauty professional so you can create a website as impressive as your work.

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Why Your Salon Or Spa Business Needs A Website 

Aside from having a quick and easy place for clients to find information and book your services, there are several business reasons you need to have a website.


One of the main reasons you should have a website for your business is to increase your organization's credibility. These days, one of the first things a prospective client is likely to do is look you up on Google – you want to make sure they’ll have something credible to find. When your customers are seeking out more information about your salon or spa website, they want to know that you’re legit and they want to be able to easily learn more about what you can do for them. If there’s no digital evidence of your brand’s existence, things may seem suspicious to prospective clientele, or worse, they completely lose interest when they come across your competition’s website instead.


As an independent beauty pro, establishing your brand is critical to the success of your business. Having a website as a platform to do so clearly showcases who you are, what you offer, and how you stand out against the competition. As the saying goes: First impressions are everything. When clients come across your website, they’re just as much looking for insight into who you are as a service provider as they are looking for the facts about your business. Make sure your branding is on point from first sight with a free website builder that will speak volumes about your professional presence.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Lead generation

One of the most intriguing reasons to have a booking site is because it can increase your chances of attracting organic traffic and leads. When people search for a service you offer, you want to increase the likelihood that your website will appear in the results. With a legitimate website, you also increase the ease and opportunity for existing customers to spread the word with a quick text to their friends with your hyperlink included.


What Should Your Salon Or Spa Website Include?

When looking into the right website builder for you, you need to consider the basic elements your platform should showcase. Each industry has different needs in a website, but these are the must-haves for a beauty business.


The client-service provider relationship is so personal – people will want to know who you are, your key skills, and what you can offer them that other professionals can’t. The About section is the place to let your personality shine and will have the hours and location of your salon. This is also where you have the opportunity to be upfront about your cancellation policy or no-show fees. Plus, you’ll have the chance to let your five-star reviews shine front and center so your stellar service can speak for itself.


This one is obvious. Prospective clients need to know what you offer and what that entails. This section is also helpful for existing clients to keep up with new services added or changed over time. You also have the option to list your prices and deposits for salon services (if you choose to require them) here as well – visibility with your rates will help you attract your target clientele and make it easy for you to answer pricing questions by simply sharing your link.


Showcasing your work is a must so clients can picture how they might look after visiting your salon. Your services will be booked at much higher rate if you have quality photos front-and-center on your website.

Pro tip: Set up mini photoshoots with your “content clients” (you know the ones who love to show off for the camera!) on a regular basis so you can keep your portfolio full of fresh looks and real clients.


Not every client will be ready to book on the spot – by including a contact form, you open the doors of communication and make yourself more approachable to future clients with questions. As a perk for you, this means you don’t have to share your email or cell phone number upfront – we know it’s not easy maintaining work-life balance when your phone is pinging and ringing off the hook with client inquiries at all hours.

Online Booking

Most importantly, as a service provider, you need a booking site where clients will have quick and easy access to your availability so they can lock in an appointment on your schedule, but at their convenience and without you lifting a finger. With GlossGenius’s free website builder for salons, you can give clients the opportunity to book by service or by team member because our all-in-one solution can sync your whole team's schedules, too.

What Else To Look For In A Free Website Builder For Salons And Spas

Your booking site is just the beginning when it comes to managing your salon or spa. In order to successfully streamline your business operations, you’ll want to look for an all-in-one solution that comes with a complete suite of salon-savvy features that will simplify the process for you, your team, and your clients.

Here’s what else you should look for in a free website builder for salons and spas:

Integrated booking: This keeps things simple and streamlined. When clients are able to book, pay, and leave reviews all in one place it makes both your lives easier.

Automatic reminders and notifications: These are lifesavers for you and your clientele. With automatic reminders, your clients will have little excuse for missing or forgetting appointments. You’ll also get a notification, too, so you’ll know exactly who's coming in the door next.

Client notes: Having a space to keep client notes digitally organized and get reminders of their preferences or upcoming appointments will keep you well-prepared to consistently deliver five-star customer service.

Reports and analytics: Numbers don’t need to be complicated. From booking to payment and everything in between, every transaction should be accounted for, organized, and readily available in an easy-to-read spreadsheet at your fingertips.

Payment processing: With the ability to book online, clients will also appreciate the convenience of being able to easily check out “online,” too. With the help of an integrated POS system that starts with your website, a smartphone or tablet, and a gorgeous card reader, you’ll be paid in seconds.

Branding customization: Beauty isn't everything, but when it comes to web design, it definitely counts for a lot! As a beauty and wellness professional, you should have high standards for the look and feel of your booking site. Make sure your website builder allows you to easily customize your website theme and accent colors to reflect your brand.

How to Build a Free Website for Your Salon or Spa

Several reputable website providers offer inexpensive plug-and-play platforms, but GlossGenius’ booking site builder is painstakingly tailored to professionals in the beauty industry. Our free customizable booking sites make going live a breeze and work seamlessly with our all-in-one salon booking and payments app to give you complete control over your empire.

To get started, open your GlossGenius app and go to Settings > Website and be sure to enable permissions to unlock the magic of your custom booking page. From there, follow these top tips to create a sleek site that will be live in minutes.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Upload A Beautiful Background Image

Make a statement by selecting a cover image that represents your brand, then quickly and easily upload it in your GlossGenius app (Settings > Website > Upload Cover Image).

We recommend using an image of at least 1,600 x 1,600 pixels and experimenting to see which image best represents your style – use the Preview Website option under View & Share to see how your image looks online.

Your background image doesn’t have to be one and done, either. Feel free to update your cover image during the holidays, over the summer, or during a sale or promo. GlossGenius even has a library of cover images you can use to freshen up your booking site.

beautiful cover images for booking website
Select your own stunning cover image for your custom booking site.

Decide on a URL

Choose a website URL for your site using the Change Website URL setting. The URL should be short and sweet so clients can easily remember it. For branding reasons, our professionals typically choose their business name or personal name.

Choose Your Website Theme

GlossGenius now offers three different designer-approved Website Themes to choose from, so you can customize your business' aesthetic from the point of first impression: your booking site. Instantly give your site an upgrade by choosing the theme that speaks to your brand. Simply tap More > Website and preview the themes – including stylized color palettes, fonts, and accent colors for each of our Website Themes – before selecting your favorite.

Change Your Accent Color

Your Cover Image, URL, and Website Theme aren't the only ways you can make your booking site more you. Customize every inch of your website, including the accent color your guests see on the Book Now button, in your calendar, and more. GlossGenius offers 29 Accent Colors to choose from, with new ones getting added all the time.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Set Up Your About Page 

When you set up your About page, you can include as much or as little about yourself and your brand as you like. One of the most essential pieces of information to include might be your level of experience or any specialties you or your team focus on, and it never hurts to add a bit of personality to your bio with some fun facts or personal highlights!

You also have the ability to not only toggle on and off the ability to show your reviews, but you’ll be able to select specific reviews you can hide or share. Best of all, this can all be done in seconds from the GlossGenius app by navigating to More > Settings > Website > Show Reviews and About.

Display Your Portfolio

Adding stunning imagery to your website doesn’t get easier than this. In order to showcase your work, all you need to do is head to Settings > Website > Show Portfolio Gallery.

From there, you’re in complete control of what you show off in your salon website portfolio. With the Portfolio page of the app, you can toggle your display on or off at any time and you can add new photos with a tap through the Add From Your Camera Roll option (you can snap a photo on the spot or select from your phone’s library). Once you have some shots selected, they’ll show up as thumbnails in the app, where you can hold and drag to reorganize them as you wish.

Plan Your Services Display

Depending on your preference, you can display your services visually or in a list format. Both options are beautiful and easy for your clients to navigate. To add new services, go to Settings > Services and click the plus icon in the top right corner.

Manage Online Booking Preferences

Once your services are set, you can enable (or disable) online booking with a few taps. You can toggle this setting on or off any time by navigating to Settings > Booking Controls and Notifications > Online Booking Settings > Allow Online Booking then select your preference:

  • Allow booking for all clients
  • Allow booking for existing clients only
  • Disallow online booking


Share Your New Website With Your Clients

Once your website is complete, you’ll want to spread the news. Letting people know about your new website will instantly help you generate more leads and start driving appointments right away. This is made even easier when you have access to GlossGenius’ SMS, email, and social media marketing features, but word of mouth is always a great way to start, too – be sure to start by sharing your new website link with your friends, family, and salon neighbors.

With GlossGenius’ ready-to-send text and email marketing campaigns, you can update your entire client database with the news quickly and easily. And if going all-out is more your style, consider hosting a salon open house to celebrate a new era in your salon success journey and bring in more business with a bubbly atmosphere.

Ready to go live with your custom booking site? Sign up for a free trial with GlossGenius and start building your website today.

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Easy-to-Use Website Builder for Salons and Spas

GlossGenius Staff
January 18, 2023

In today’s digital world, it’s tough to thrive without a strong presence on the Internet. Not all beauty pros need to be digital marketing mavens or social media influencers, but it is essential to have a solid web presence when working within a visually driven environment such as a hair salon, nail salon, or tattoo parlor.

Before getting overwhelmed by the thought of building a site, first understand that you don’t need an expensive developer or team of coders to create a stunning booking site that will get you noticed. There are several easy-to-use, customizable, and perhaps most importantly, free website builders for salons and spas to make a DIY site that’s designed to impress. When you combine that with an all-in-one solution for salon and spa management, you’ll be destined for greatness across the digital frontier.

Below, we get into the why, what, and how of website building for an independent beauty professional so you can create a website as impressive as your work.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Why Your Salon Or Spa Business Needs A Website 

Aside from having a quick and easy place for clients to find information and book your services, there are several business reasons you need to have a website.


One of the main reasons you should have a website for your business is to increase your organization's credibility. These days, one of the first things a prospective client is likely to do is look you up on Google – you want to make sure they’ll have something credible to find. When your customers are seeking out more information about your salon or spa website, they want to know that you’re legit and they want to be able to easily learn more about what you can do for them. If there’s no digital evidence of your brand’s existence, things may seem suspicious to prospective clientele, or worse, they completely lose interest when they come across your competition’s website instead.


As an independent beauty pro, establishing your brand is critical to the success of your business. Having a website as a platform to do so clearly showcases who you are, what you offer, and how you stand out against the competition. As the saying goes: First impressions are everything. When clients come across your website, they’re just as much looking for insight into who you are as a service provider as they are looking for the facts about your business. Make sure your branding is on point from first sight with a free website builder that will speak volumes about your professional presence.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Lead generation

One of the most intriguing reasons to have a booking site is because it can increase your chances of attracting organic traffic and leads. When people search for a service you offer, you want to increase the likelihood that your website will appear in the results. With a legitimate website, you also increase the ease and opportunity for existing customers to spread the word with a quick text to their friends with your hyperlink included.


What Should Your Salon Or Spa Website Include?

When looking into the right website builder for you, you need to consider the basic elements your platform should showcase. Each industry has different needs in a website, but these are the must-haves for a beauty business.


The client-service provider relationship is so personal – people will want to know who you are, your key skills, and what you can offer them that other professionals can’t. The About section is the place to let your personality shine and will have the hours and location of your salon. This is also where you have the opportunity to be upfront about your cancellation policy or no-show fees. Plus, you’ll have the chance to let your five-star reviews shine front and center so your stellar service can speak for itself.


This one is obvious. Prospective clients need to know what you offer and what that entails. This section is also helpful for existing clients to keep up with new services added or changed over time. You also have the option to list your prices and deposits for salon services (if you choose to require them) here as well – visibility with your rates will help you attract your target clientele and make it easy for you to answer pricing questions by simply sharing your link.


Showcasing your work is a must so clients can picture how they might look after visiting your salon. Your services will be booked at much higher rate if you have quality photos front-and-center on your website.

Pro tip: Set up mini photoshoots with your “content clients” (you know the ones who love to show off for the camera!) on a regular basis so you can keep your portfolio full of fresh looks and real clients.


Not every client will be ready to book on the spot – by including a contact form, you open the doors of communication and make yourself more approachable to future clients with questions. As a perk for you, this means you don’t have to share your email or cell phone number upfront – we know it’s not easy maintaining work-life balance when your phone is pinging and ringing off the hook with client inquiries at all hours.

Online Booking

Most importantly, as a service provider, you need a booking site where clients will have quick and easy access to your availability so they can lock in an appointment on your schedule, but at their convenience and without you lifting a finger. With GlossGenius’s free website builder for salons, you can give clients the opportunity to book by service or by team member because our all-in-one solution can sync your whole team's schedules, too.

What Else To Look For In A Free Website Builder For Salons And Spas

Your booking site is just the beginning when it comes to managing your salon or spa. In order to successfully streamline your business operations, you’ll want to look for an all-in-one solution that comes with a complete suite of salon-savvy features that will simplify the process for you, your team, and your clients.

Here’s what else you should look for in a free website builder for salons and spas:

Integrated booking: This keeps things simple and streamlined. When clients are able to book, pay, and leave reviews all in one place it makes both your lives easier.

Automatic reminders and notifications: These are lifesavers for you and your clientele. With automatic reminders, your clients will have little excuse for missing or forgetting appointments. You’ll also get a notification, too, so you’ll know exactly who's coming in the door next.

Client notes: Having a space to keep client notes digitally organized and get reminders of their preferences or upcoming appointments will keep you well-prepared to consistently deliver five-star customer service.

Reports and analytics: Numbers don’t need to be complicated. From booking to payment and everything in between, every transaction should be accounted for, organized, and readily available in an easy-to-read spreadsheet at your fingertips.

Payment processing: With the ability to book online, clients will also appreciate the convenience of being able to easily check out “online,” too. With the help of an integrated POS system that starts with your website, a smartphone or tablet, and a gorgeous card reader, you’ll be paid in seconds.

Branding customization: Beauty isn't everything, but when it comes to web design, it definitely counts for a lot! As a beauty and wellness professional, you should have high standards for the look and feel of your booking site. Make sure your website builder allows you to easily customize your website theme and accent colors to reflect your brand.

How to Build a Free Website for Your Salon or Spa

Several reputable website providers offer inexpensive plug-and-play platforms, but GlossGenius’ booking site builder is painstakingly tailored to professionals in the beauty industry. Our free customizable booking sites make going live a breeze and work seamlessly with our all-in-one salon booking and payments app to give you complete control over your empire.

To get started, open your GlossGenius app and go to Settings > Website and be sure to enable permissions to unlock the magic of your custom booking page. From there, follow these top tips to create a sleek site that will be live in minutes.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Upload A Beautiful Background Image

Make a statement by selecting a cover image that represents your brand, then quickly and easily upload it in your GlossGenius app (Settings > Website > Upload Cover Image).

We recommend using an image of at least 1,600 x 1,600 pixels and experimenting to see which image best represents your style – use the Preview Website option under View & Share to see how your image looks online.

Your background image doesn’t have to be one and done, either. Feel free to update your cover image during the holidays, over the summer, or during a sale or promo. GlossGenius even has a library of cover images you can use to freshen up your booking site.

beautiful cover images for booking website
Select your own stunning cover image for your custom booking site.

Decide on a URL

Choose a website URL for your site using the Change Website URL setting. The URL should be short and sweet so clients can easily remember it. For branding reasons, our professionals typically choose their business name or personal name.

Choose Your Website Theme

GlossGenius now offers three different designer-approved Website Themes to choose from, so you can customize your business' aesthetic from the point of first impression: your booking site. Instantly give your site an upgrade by choosing the theme that speaks to your brand. Simply tap More > Website and preview the themes – including stylized color palettes, fonts, and accent colors for each of our Website Themes – before selecting your favorite.

Change Your Accent Color

Your Cover Image, URL, and Website Theme aren't the only ways you can make your booking site more you. Customize every inch of your website, including the accent color your guests see on the Book Now button, in your calendar, and more. GlossGenius offers 29 Accent Colors to choose from, with new ones getting added all the time.

Try GlossGenius free for 14 days!

Set Up Your About Page 

When you set up your About page, you can include as much or as little about yourself and your brand as you like. One of the most essential pieces of information to include might be your level of experience or any specialties you or your team focus on, and it never hurts to add a bit of personality to your bio with some fun facts or personal highlights!

You also have the ability to not only toggle on and off the ability to show your reviews, but you’ll be able to select specific reviews you can hide or share. Best of all, this can all be done in seconds from the GlossGenius app by navigating to More > Settings > Website > Show Reviews and About.

Display Your Portfolio

Adding stunning imagery to your website doesn’t get easier than this. In order to showcase your work, all you need to do is head to Settings > Website > Show Portfolio Gallery.

From there, you’re in complete control of what you show off in your salon website portfolio. With the Portfolio page of the app, you can toggle your display on or off at any time and you can add new photos with a tap through the Add From Your Camera Roll option (you can snap a photo on the spot or select from your phone’s library). Once you have some shots selected, they’ll show up as thumbnails in the app, where you can hold and drag to reorganize them as you wish.

Plan Your Services Display

Depending on your preference, you can display your services visually or in a list format. Both options are beautiful and easy for your clients to navigate. To add new services, go to Settings > Services and click the plus icon in the top right corner.

Manage Online Booking Preferences

Once your services are set, you can enable (or disable) online booking with a few taps. You can toggle this setting on or off any time by navigating to Settings > Booking Controls and Notifications > Online Booking Settings > Allow Online Booking then select your preference:

  • Allow booking for all clients
  • Allow booking for existing clients only
  • Disallow online booking


Share Your New Website With Your Clients

Once your website is complete, you’ll want to spread the news. Letting people know about your new website will instantly help you generate more leads and start driving appointments right away. This is made even easier when you have access to GlossGenius’ SMS, email, and social media marketing features, but word of mouth is always a great way to start, too – be sure to start by sharing your new website link with your friends, family, and salon neighbors.

With GlossGenius’ ready-to-send text and email marketing campaigns, you can update your entire client database with the news quickly and easily. And if going all-out is more your style, consider hosting a salon open house to celebrate a new era in your salon success journey and bring in more business with a bubbly atmosphere.

Ready to go live with your custom booking site? Sign up for a free trial with GlossGenius and start building your website today.

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